If you don’t like working with JSON when adding multilingual support to your Flutter projects, you now have a good solution.
AppLang lets you easily generate the JSON files you need from a Dart file.
While adding English language support to my own application, Birikim, I realised that working with JSON was not a very good method and decided to develop a package for it.
I also didn’t like the fact that the translations were in different JSON files.
Now with AppLang we can add all translations to a Dart file and generate the JSON files we need from the source file or the asset loader class for easy_localiation.
So we no longer need to manually edit JSON files.
// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, type_annotate_public_apis
import 'package:app_lang/app_lang.dart';
@AppLangConfig(json: true, easyLoader: true)
class AppLangSource {
var user = (
gender: (
male: (en_US: "Hi man {} ;) ",),
female: (en_US: "Hello girl :)",),
other: (en_US: "Hello {}",),
money: (
zero: (en_US: "You not have money",),
one: (en_US: "You have {} dollar",),
many: (en_US: "You have {} dollars",),
other: (en_US: "You have {} dollars",),
var incomeTransaction = (
fields: (
amount: (en_US: "Price",),
paymentDate: (en_US: "Payment Date",),
actions: (
update: (en_US: "Edit",),
detail: (en_US: "Detail",),
addTag: (en_US: "Add Tag",),
validations: (
amount: (
notNull: (en_US: "You must enter an amount",),
lessThen: (en_US: "Amount must be less than 100",),
var expenseTransaction = (
fields: (
amount: (en_US: "Price",),
paymentDate: (en_US: "Payment Date",),
After creating a file consisting of records fields and marking it with @AppLangConfig, the only thing we need to do is to run build_runner.
The package will create files below in the same directory.
is a asset file you can use with easy_localization or some other packages which does support JSON assetsapp_lang_source.loader.dart
is a easy_localization loader file. You can use it to load your translations.app_lang_source.key.dart
is a Dart file that contains AppLang class and keys in it to access translations
Import New Locale
You can import a new locale with a JSON file. When you import a new local, the files will generated again with new translations.
import 'package:app_lang/app_lang.dart';
@AppLangConfig(import: Import(locale: "en_US", path: "lib/lang/imports/en_US.json",json: true, easyLoader: true,))
class AppLangSource {
// Fields ...
Remove Existing Locale
You can remove an existing locale from the sourcefile with remove
parameter of AppLangConfig
When you remove a locale, all files will be generated again.
import 'package:app_lang/app_lang.dart';
@AppLangConfig(remove: "en_US", json: true, easyLoader: true)
class AppLangSource {
// Fields ...
And More…
You can check the page on pub.dev (https://pub.dev/packages/app_lang).
Happy coding.